For some times now I've been meaning to hike some trails at the Barfield Park. And when I say hike I mean HIKE!
I had never ventured to those trails before cause I was never sure where the trailheads started and never really felt pulled enough to stop at the Wilderness Station and ask. After stepping out for my weather test of the morning I thought it would be a perfect day for The Trails. We have had rain for, I swear, about 3 weeks but not this morning. This morning the sun was shining and the air was crisp. Fall is coming and man does it feel great!
We pull up to the playground area and I notice a small path leading up through the woods. Alright, we'll start here! Unload the kids, bike, stroller, snacks & camera and off we go. As soon as we are through the first veil of trees we start an uphill trek. The path curves and winds and I can't find the level ground I'm hoping for. Round & Round and Up we go. I am now at a 90 degree angle trying to push this stroller with Logan on my heels struggling to push his bike. He wants to stop and go back to put his back up but there is NO WAY I'm turning back now! We've covered such little ground but gone soooo far! Poor kid. This has turned into a lesson in endurance.
Then we noticed these little plaques all along the trail that told about many of the trees in the woods. It showed what kind of bark & leaf a certain one had. Well this was a scavenger hunt in the making and a pretty good lesson on nature while we were at it! Logan loved trying to identify the different trees by their leaves. Then he would have to find that leaf on the ground and store it in the stroller to take home. "This is like an awesome treasure hunt, " he exclaimed!
This is just a shot of B from My Point of View. She loves to kick back and relax in her stroller! Must be nice;)